Thursday, June 08, 2006

al-Zarqawi is Dead but You May Remain Seated

President Bush is all excited on the radio right now in the I Never Promised You a Rose Garden (no kidding, huh?) with the news that Jordanian and top al-Qaida commander in Iraq Abu Musab al Zarqawi has been killed by American forces. Was he a bad guy? Absolutely! Is this good news? Yes, it's fine. However, these kinds of terrorists are like cockroaches and when you smash one, 500 other ones pop up in it's place madder than hell, so you can calm down, George Bush, and shove your phony Southern drawl up your ass, because this news doesn't change that you're still the shittiest president the United States has ever had. Thanks. Bye.


Elizabeth said...

now we can win this war in iraq! oh wait, al-zarqawi wasn't even in iraq until the u.s. "liberated" it. so tell me again, dubya, why this killing should set my mind at ease (aside from the mere fact that killing is cool).

matt said...

It seems that the early reports were wrong. Bush mistakenly had the military wipe out Naveen Andrews.

whipcreamy said...

the other day bush was making appearances in the "border states". i heard him on npr trying to impress the people of new mexico...he said something like, "i knew i was at home when i saw so many cowboy hats, i think i even saw a guy spit into a bucket". everyone was laughing and clapping for him. okay people of new have the worst education system in the unuted states...the federal government walks all over your state with it's nuclear weapons facilities and dumoping grounds and you dont see one dime of the profit. wanna see where your good old boy president went to high school? it's called Phillips Academy Andover. He did not play a sport...he was a friggin male cheerleader.

newbluebaby said...

A lot of dummies out there.

anne altman said...

not being a Lover o' Lost, matt, i honestly didn't know who the fuck naveen andrews was and had to google him.

it's sad he's dead and will not be returning to Lost.

is Lost over yet?