Tuesday, August 07, 2007

My Shining Moment

The following 6 people Googled the following 6 phrases and up popped Two Can Anne. If anyone was feeling slightly inferior to me at any point in their lives, now is the time to start feeling seriously inferior to me: I AM AWESOME. I'm so awesome, I'm high-five-ing myself right now. That's pretty fuckin' awesome. Remind me why don't I have ads on this blog or charge for a subscription service again?

1 16.67% massholes
1 16.67% humping vacuum
1 16.67% carson daly is a douche*
1 16.67% butt plug horsetail pictures
1 16.67% two-can anne
1 16.67% universal life church and marrying people in north dakota
6 100.00%

Needless to say, I can hardly type right now, as I am so choked up with tears and overwhelmed with pride and emotion I might pass out. Long live me.

* #1 hit, I might add...


Some Guy said...

There is so much for you to be proud of here. I feel proud just to be a visitor to a blog that would amass a collection like that. Wonderful!

anne altman said...

i love you, chris. thank you for being a friend (and i don't mean in just a myspace way)