Peeps, please check out the new Onion News Network (ONN, which I will shortly link to my sidebar) because it's hilarious, like you knew it would be, and more importantly, my friend and Buffalo's own Jack Kukoda has something to do with this project. And if Kukoda's involved, you know it's gotta be good. What's his involvement exactly, you ask? I suspect he's a writer, but you know what? It could be anything. He may be on the payroll simply to pick boogs and flick 'em on the floor of the offices, ok, it doesn't much matter because he's brilliant. He freakin' went to Yale, ok?
The new 24 hour online ONN is going to be great for all! Especially you kids in lame or weird cities who have to subscribe to The Onion to get your fake news coverage. Here in NYC it's a free paper with little kiosks* all over town. (Quiz: guess which kiosks I noticed are always full of untouched Onions? That's right, the Upper East Side. Devoid of humor and affordable anything.)
So make sure you check it and watch the video. Good stuff.
*Kiosk? Not sure if that's what you call that plastic newpaper vendor/holder thingie, but I'm not gonna lie, I like typing the word kiosk.