A Good Mother Knows:
That it's crap (because she's more of a Beethoven, Sarah Vaughn, Hoagy Carmichael, Philip Glass, Rolling Stones, Willie Nelson kind of broad), but she buys the TimeLife 70's Music Explosion Box Set for me on my birthday anyway. She can't help the year in which I was born, so if that's the crap music that's gonna take me back to those idyllic days of youth, then so be it; Mom's going to oblige. Why? She knows life sucks. She knows the desire to claw yourself back into the womb after you find that first gray hair. That's a classy broad, that mother of mine. I love you, Mom!
Happy Birthday wishes to Anne Altman, a class act.
Does Barry Williams sing on that?? Happy birthday, I am jealous of your present. Maybe I can limewre Barry Williams? Maybe not.
Happy Birthday, Anne. May you have many more years of blogging and 70's recollection.
Rock on!
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