Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Anne's A-Hole Things to Say

Lately, I've been saying the following, out loud, to myself, and others:

  • "I'm really into fitness."

  • "I'm like, super into fitness and stuff."

  • "It's just that I'm all about fitness."

If you're looking for an obnoxious way to distance yourself from friends, family, and just about everyone you come into contact with, including yourself, feel free to use any of those lines. It's a a tad more obnoxious than what I used to say:

  • "I'm really into drugs."

  • "I'm like, super into drugs and stuff."

  • "It's just that I'm all about drugs."

Feel free to tweak the phrase by adding the noun of your choice:

  • "I'm really into blogs."

  • "I'm like, super into blogs and stuff."

  • "It's just that I'm all about blogs."

One gets pretty much the same a-hole result. Enjoy!


whipcreamy said...

im all about robin williams.

anne altman said...

Case in point.

anne altman said...

but are you STILL really into robin williams? i know you said that pre-patch adams.

whipcreamy said...

no. now i'm all about paying expensive vet bills.

whipcreamy said...

i'm also all about your blog, apparently.

anne altman said...

i'm all about you being all about my blog.

i think we're back to our original readership, you, me, and sometimes mom.

Sans Pantaloons said...

"I'm really into onions."

"I'm like, super into stuffing onions."

"It's just that I'm all about onions."

whipcreamy said...

it's february vacation here in new england.

newbluebaby said...

"I'm really into pilates."

"I'm like, super into pilates."

"It's just that I'm all about pilates."

glittermom said...

I'm like really into my sweatpants...

Elizabeth said...

perhaps my biggest pet peeve: personal ads where a person answers the "about me:" with "working out" (fitness, same difference). how terribly original. you must be a catch. and i gather, you have a lot to talk about since working out is in the top four things we need to know about you. i can't wait to go on a date and talk about working out. better yet, we can have an appetizer, main course, share a dessert and then say "i'm going to have to work out twice tomorrow to balance out this meal. but that is okay because i do love working out." if someone were to write in their "about me:" "i like talking about myself on my blog", i would have way more respect for them. one might say i feel that way because i have had a blog and i have never enjoyed working out. i say, lame. one is fun, one is not. this is really long but when a girl has a pet peeve...