Saturday, April 25, 2009

BLOHARDS: Let Us Eat Cake

As a Red Sox fan hopelessly trapped in NYC during baseball season, it's no surprise that I commune with my people, the BLOHARDS: The Benevolent and Loyal Order of Honorable and Ancient Red Sox Diehard Sufferers of New York. Since the Yanks were in Boston last night, I was able to watch my team on regular ol' television, and what a game it was (if you're a Bosox fan)! This morning I awoke to an email containing a picture of BLOHARD Treasurer Pete Collery's birthday cake, and what an edible park it is:

Fenway Park Birthday Cake: Click on it for more deliciousness. 

1 comment:

love, jenn said...

Holy Cake, Batman! As a loyal Bills fan... I could care less who is on the cake as long as I get some!