Monday, April 13, 2009

Facebook Fury

I have the right to de-Friend you based on your lame status updates. 


"Sally" enjoyed eating her leftover __(enter food product here)_ for dinner, and _(enter food product here)__ for dessert.


Sally enjoyed eating her leftover cock for dinner and balls for dessert. 
Sally enjoyed eating her leftover grandfather for dinner and baby for dessert. 
Sally enjoyed eating her leftover SHUTTHEFUCKUP&KEEPIT2URSELFSALLY for dinner and SERIOUSLYGETALIFEORIWILLKILLYOU for dessert. 

An e-friend has just been deleted from my e-life; say a prayer for that person and their great loss. 


Sans Pantaloons said...


Del-V said...

Is that why you de-friended me? Sorry. I will try harder.