Sunday, May 10, 2009

Happy Mother's Day, Mothers!

The courage that my mother had
Went with her, and is with her still:
Rock from New England quarried;
Now granite in a granite hill.

The golden brooch my mother wore
She left behind for me to wear;
I have no thing I treasure more:
Yet, it is something I could spare.

Oh, if instead she'd left to me
The thing she took into the grave!
That courage like a rock, which she
Has no more need of, and I have.

~Edna St. Vincent Millay, Mine the Harvest, 1945
(photo: Achomawi Indian Mother and Child from


Roo said...

Happy Mothers Day, dOoDle momma!

Micgar said...

Happy Mothers Day! Talk about courage-I almost lost my mom twice to cancer-the 2nd time when cancer was in her liver. she always was so brave about treatment and whatever may come will come attitude. I am so happy my mom survived and is healthy now!
Thanks for the great poem!

anne altman said...
