Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Where's My G*ddamned Can? A Doodle Triptych

You're in the kitchen. Are you opening a can?

You totally opened a can. I heard the can opening noise.

I see that you opened a can and put it in a dish. When are you gonna put it down?
I am about to lose my friggin' mind already!

PS When are you going to refinish your kitchen cabinets? They look really ghetto in that last photo.


bubbles said...

I'm so happy Doodle got dinner. This is why we have the dry around here... I can always scrape a little out of the cracks in the bag before there's none, none, none... In our house there's always dog food for those desparate times though.

bubbles said...

I mean desperate

anne altman said...

doodle knows "desparate" too.

Nina Paley said...

Doodle's lower fangs are so cute in the third photo.

I hope she's sated now.