Thursday, March 01, 2007

Don't Confuse Building #19 With Product 19

Because they are two totally different things. Building #19 is the store. Product 19 is the cereal. And Product 19 is the cereal which is an intergral part of the wise old theory:

"Dont' let anyone talk you into smoking grass when you're hammered."
The mathematical formula which accompanies this theory I believe is:

Drunk + High + Product 19 + Ham Sandwich = Projectile Vomiting + Repeat x 4 - Your Roommate's Groceries

But if anyone is familiar with Building #19, please comment or email me. It's an old Masshole memory, one of several that I miss. And everytime I smell cat piss, which is rarely if ever, I'm reminded of it. Good old Building #19. And what about Building #19 and 7/8? Or was it 3/4? Or a half?


Just Dave said...

And you said you couldn't handle math. Ha.

whipcreamy said...

there was building 19 and 2/3rds...

Sans Pantaloons said...

The history is here.