Tuesday, June 02, 2009

1 Toof, 2 Teef, 3 Teef, Four---Wait, Now It's Just Three

Doodle, NYC ~ May 29, 2009


Sans Pantaloons said...

Doodle still looks the bees knees!

anne altman said...

and how shiny the teeeeeth!!!!!!

Verdant Earl said...

We have to take our girl Sammi to the vet for a teeth cleaning. Her shit stinks.

(I mean her breath. Her shit smells like shit.)

anne altman said...

it makes sense they had to pull at least one tooth of doodle's

i mean, imagine a PERSON not brushing her teeth on a regular basis for 9 years? gheeRrrrrrrRRRRROssssssssssssssssSSSSSSS!

wait a minute, i work with that broad.

Micgar said...

our little dog has bad teeth! after they pulled a couple of teeth that were bad her breath didn't smell so bad, but its really hard to keep up with the brushing of those teeny little sharp teeth of hers!

DeeDoodle said...

Toof-less Doodle-ness! Still love me some of those whiskas!

Hope she found a good sitter in your absence (& my not getting back to you...) :-(