Thursday, January 11, 2007

Jimmy and Doodle Say Woof/Meow To Your Statistic

Will Jimmy make you fat? Yes. Will Doodle make you fat? Yes. Is that bad news? Maybe.

But the good news is that other studies confirm that pets are therapeutic so...sure, you're fat, BUT, you have Jimmy/Doodle. Ergo, you are happy.

Let me write out the equation for you:

Jimmy/Doodle + You=Fat+happy.

A much better statistic than:

Jimmy x 0 + Doodle x 0 + You= Skinny + sad.

Get it?

Oh, good. I get it too, so I guess that means I'm a good math teacher, and that's amazing, because let me tell you something, I've always been terrible at math. Which is why I'm not a banker, which is why I'm broke as a joke on coke. So, in other words, I suck.

Let's have another look at Jimmy, shall we? Jimmy likes laces. Jimmy likes to shake hands.

Okay, okay, and we'll throw a picture of Doodle in here just so she doesn't get an additional complex to complicate my life:

Awwww. Thumbs up to pets and the inevitable obesity they bring. :) Buy velcro sneakers now, and prepare for the expansion.


Jen said...

Jimmy is way too cute
I am blind now..


anne altman said...

i won't take offense to that comment.


ps: even if it was about a dog, of all creatures...i mean, please.

pps: a dog? a dog?!! they eat their own turds.

Creepy said...

They also eat cat turds.

Mel said...

ack!! you did it, you posted more cuteness!! That dog is cute and well mannered! But Doodle has a point about the whole poop eating thing.

Just Dave said...

I'm supposed to get rid of my dog because some Finn says I'll get fat?I think I'll wait for the Icelandic counter-study that says pets make you skinny. It's bound to follow.