Tuesday, January 23, 2007

What's in a Number

Number of times Doodle thought it was appropriate to walk into the bedroom to meow for breakfast before I got up: 5

Number of times I had to shout, "Get out of here!" because she was messing around with a plastic bag of laundry (which annoys me and she knows it): 3

Number of cans Doodle had for breakfast: 0 (all the meowing was in vain)

Number of cans I'd better bring home tonight: As many as I can carry


Berry said...

Number of cats in Doodle's posse, waiting to ambush you when you get home: (?)

(Better walk in with the can already opened)

Creepy said...

You'd better watch it, that cat is gonna claw your face up so bad you'll have to wear one of those makeup masks to cover up the hideous scars she leaves you with. She's pure evil, I tell ya.

Fargrave said...

That's why I stopped giving canned food to my cats years ago. It takes awhile, but they got the message. It's better for them anyway. Show that Doodle who's boss!

*Just kidding Doodle, we all know who's boss*

Brandy For Sale. said...

Please!!! This made me laugh hysterically. Nigel also likes to piss me off with plastic- but he chews on the handles of any plastic shopping bag I've been stupid enough to leave out, thereby enraging me out of peaceful slumber to screech "NO NO NO NO NO NO NO".

He is nonplussd, of course.