Monday, November 19, 2007

I Love a Doll House, Yo

Since I live in a terrifying fantasy land, I've always loved a doll house. I found this metal lovely on eBay, and the only reason I didn't buy it is because even though I'm not a superstitious person, I really don't want to jinx my chances of needing to buy one for my own daughter someday and wind up that creepy lady with the mumus, multiple cats and tons of collectibles. See, years ago, I bought a terrific 1960's era wedding frock from a thrift store for $20 and wasn't dating anybody special. I figured, if it doesn't make it down the aisle one day, I'll just wear it for another occasion, perhaps a blood-spattering sacrifice ritual of my own creation over a teeth-crumbling 9-day meth binge. But so far it hasn't gone anywhere, and there's no husband in sight. You can see where I'm going with this. But let me check just to make sure: "Hey, husband! You there? Hello? No? Ok." Nope. Nobody there. Oh, well. Ok. Back to the blog.

Anyhoodle, this dollhouse is probably made of lead paint and not suitable for licking, but it's cool because they don't make houses like this anymore. One car garage? Please. Today's fat and flashy Americans who can afford a house demand more in a house. A sprawling 15 thousand square feet of "townhome" on a golf course with rooms they never use and bathrooms they never take dumps in. And a chandelier. And a gaslit fireplace. I hate gaslit fireplaces. This place has a real fireplace, yo.


Wow. Bay window? Bay window next to picture window? Nice features. Anderson windows, I presume?

Your average two bedroom one bath. I'd probably knock the kitchen wall down to give the space a more open feel. Maybe put in an island so I can make my Rachel Ray meals with an audience.

Two refrigerators? Can we afford it?

A window seat in the Anderson bay window and a fire in the fireplace! What's sweeter than that. Though, if I lived here I'd consider rearranging the furniture, perhaps moving the t.v. away from the flames (wicked big fire hazard) and the chair away from the front door (wicked big safety hazard)? I'd think that the simple act of shutting the front door might cut down on heating costs too.

The second floor doesn't appear to be load bearing, but

Washer / Dryer? Sold.


Del-V said...

It's a lot nicer than my Star Wars Death Star playset.

Unknown said...

This is the model I've always wanted. Some of my friends' older sisters owned similar houses. I had the wooden kind, made and painted by dad. Hey, it was the 1970s. I can't believe yours came with furniture. Definite score!