Thursday, November 08, 2007

People and Stuff That Sucked Today

  1. My underwear which kept going up my fat can all day
  2. My fat can which makes my underwear too small apparently
  3. Burritoville's overrated Burrito Bowl
  4. Finding out Adrienne Barbeau is not Bea Arthur's daughter after I told three people she was


Nope. said...

This made me almost spit out coffee onto the computer keyboard. You're a fucking treasure.

anne altman said...

but it's free coffee. love lost there, right, pal?


glittermom said...

Someone I know had on bad underwear so went into the bathroom stall and because of panty hose,slacks,etc decided the best way was to cut them she was coming out the large pair of scissors tucked into the sleeve of her shirt fell to the ground..She quickly picked them up and exited the bathroom...never seeing the person who witnessed this again...True story...

Mel said...

but she played her daughter on TV so it totally counts!

Creepy said...

Give boxers a try.