Friday, January 18, 2008

Junior High School Science Class Comin' in Handy

I used the word "turgid" in a conversation the other day. Entirely seriously. When discussing with a colleauge just how soft the radishes were on the crudite platter:

"Yeah, they're bad. But with a few cuts of the knife on the bottom here, toss 'em into a bowl of water and keep 'em in the fridge a few hours? Totally turgid again and good as new."

"What? Turgid?"

"Fuck off."


newbluebaby said...

I wake up every morning turgid.

Sans Pantaloons said...

I use mine.


Wow! You East Coast gals is crazy!

My Ma told me to put some turgid in the machine when I washed my clothes. She didn't say nothing about using it on vegetables!

Dr. Monkey Von Monkerstein said...

You are making my medulla oblongata hurt.

Abbi Crutchfield said...

What? Crudite?

Identity Crisis said...

Funny. Funny comments.