Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Kick Ass Broad of the Week: Edna St. Vincent Millay

My candle burns at both ends
It will not last the night;
But ah, my foes, and oh, my friends -
It gives a lovely light.

Edna St. Vincent Millay, "A Few Figs from Thistles", 1920US poet (1892 - 1950)

Read more about Edna's interesting life and tragic death here.


newbluebaby said...

I stayed in the hotel where she was "discovered" in Camden, Maine. Went to the mountaintop where she wrote a famous poem. All by accident.

anne altman said...

i'm sure the fally down the stairsy and breaky de necky thing was also an accident.

Dr. Monkey Von Monkerstein said...

She was a heroin addict, which is something they neglect to tell one in high school.