Saturday, July 26, 2008

Keith Walendowski: Another One of Anne's Heroes

AP photo

"Keith Walendowski is accused of shooting his lawn mower because it wouldn't start. According to the criminal complaint, Walendowski said 'I can do that, it's my lawn mower and my yard so I can shoot it if I want."
I Can Do That
a poem by Keith Walendowski
I can do that
It's my lawnmower
it's my yard
I can shoot it
if I want.


Micgar said...

Someone should turn that poem into a good ole country song. (Maybe someone already has!)

Rebecca said...

So much depends

a broken lawn

riddled with bullet

in Keith Walendowski's

Identity Crisis said...

I think he will miss it because now he has nothing with which to cut his hair.

Dr Zibbs said...

In his defense, I've seen his lawn mower and it's a real jerk.

Del-V said...

With that kind of attitude, it's a good thing his kids did their chores without being asked twice. I wouldn't want to be accused of not working around Keith Walendowski.

Jeremy Vaeni said...

I don't know why this is brilliant and yet....can't. Stop. LAUGHING.