Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Let's Play a Game: What Would You Rather

It's been awhile since you've checked your grillpiece out in the mirror. Let's say it's been hours. To your chagrin, when you finally do get a chance to get away from your desk, you discover something more than your face looking back at you. What would you rather have discovered?

  1. a booger in your nose
  2. a zit on your forehead
  3. something in your teeth


Jen said...


newbluebaby said...

Oh my god you saw me this afternoon didn't you? And didn't say anything. You cruel bitch.

Anonymous said...


speaking of games, where did your hang man go? I loved him.

Scarlet said...

Something stuck in your teeth. It's not visible 100% of the time.

A zit may be a problem for a few days and a booger is yuk, so people will avoid you completely.

Whereas the teeth issue people MAY be more inclined to say(shout) "Hey doofus, you saving that for later?" while pointing and making sure all in the office are looking.

Dr Zibbs said...

something in teeth

Jessie said...

Something in my teeth.

Micgar said...

I think a zit-the booger thing is one of those horrifying things! The thing in your teeth isn't too too bad. Guess it depends if the zit is a "whitecap"! (then of course I would have probably already popped it-although it might have been one of those "bleeders"! Sorry!

Sans Pantaloons said...

Unfortunately I have all three.