Monday, October 06, 2008

The Red Sox Play Game 4 of the ALDS vs the Angels

Just who is this Fake Jerry Springer who sits directly behind first plate at Fenway Park, dead center? There he is, at every game, in the best seat in the house, Mr. Fake Jerry Springer, lovin' life, lookin' all smug with his arms crossed, like "Hey, I know you think I look like Jerry Springer," and he totally knows we're talking about him. Which we are. I mean, I am. (Aren't we?) Tonight, he's wearing a bright blue Cookie Monster colored fleece--49 degrees in Boston. Oh, Fake Jerry Springer Cookie Monster! You looks cozy. But blue, Fake Jerry Springer, at Fenway? He can has cookie? Go Sox! I want to see more baseball! And more of Fake Jerry Springer's winter outerwear collection.


whipcreamy said...

He goes to every game. If he doesn't work for the sox, then what could this man do for a living that he gets to go to EVERY game? Yes, he looks like Jerry Springer, but it is a serious Jerry Springer. This man never smiles and he wears lots of hairspray becasue his new never moves when the wind blows. Oh, and he never goes to the bathroom...unless there is a hole in his seat.

Just Dave said...

Looks like you get to see more baseball. In Florida, no less.

Anonymous said...

He is the Big Wig at 1-800-54-Giant.

You know the Big Auto Glass Sponsor of the Red Sox.

"Who do you call when your windshield's busted?"

anne altman said...

no way!

1800 54 Giant!

Not the guy who does the ads, is it?