Monday, February 19, 2007

Whipcreamy and Doodle on President's Day

Doodle had a blast on President's Day with her beloved Auntie Whip, who is always down for a game of catch, whether it be the ball or string variety. We miss Whip already. The Cat Whisperer.


Just Dave said...

Wow. Doodle looks totally wired. She must REALLY like visits from her aunt.

Mel said...

Did her auntie bring her cat nip? She does look kinda stoned. Doodle, not Whipped :)

Bumpkyn said...

Looks like Doodle is dipping into the same vat of drugs Ms. Spears is--enlarged pupils, check. Yep Doodle's high!

Peter Matthes said...

It looks like Whipcreamy just grabbed Doodle's package.

Nina Paley said...

Everyone's so quick to judge. Doodle's eyes imply there was a bug on the wall just behind the photographer. Maybe it was a bedbug. She's a diligent huntress. Yet everyone wants to smear her repulation.

anne altman said...

i'll tell you what was goin on. doodle and whipcreamy were in a heated game of string when it was time for whip to go. she whisked doodle up in her arms to say goodbye so i took take a photo.

and there you go.