Saturday, September 15, 2007

Soccer Fans: Not Well in the Dome Piece

There was a semi-serious argument in the office yesterday about the merits of the game of soccer. One dude said in so many words that soccer is lame and easy. Bascially he was calling it gay. Another co-worker, who is passionate about the game, was all fired up about the allegations, claiming that it's just the opposite. I'm here to say that I don't have an opinion on the game of soccer itself or its players, but what I do know is that soccer fans are fucking bat shit, out of their minds, loop-de-doodle-doo, motherfuckin' crazy.


Valerie said...


I love soccer

piglet said...

Wow, so are Albanians the new Poles?

How many Albanians does it take to burn a van full of fish? Two! One to set the fire and one to drain the water from the firefighters' water tanker!

Ha! Ha!

Fire hydrant technology must not have reached Albania.

If you haven't been counting, that's four exclamation marks.