Thursday, September 27, 2007

The Great Judy Blume Was Mortified By Mortified!

Mortified last night was an absolutely amazing show. I'll post a review shortly. But in the meantime, I'm simply thrilled beyond belief to post the following:

We Got Mortified!
"Last night George and I went to the Mortified show in NY. We had the BEST time! We laughed until our sides ached. If you live near any of the cities currently producing Mortified shows catch one. (It's not a show for kids.) The audience last night was mainly 20-30 somethings. The couple next to us were married with three kids and having a date night. They loved it just like we did. I mean, we were all adolescents, right? And we all had those moments in our lives.

How I wish I'd kept my teen diaries with my secret code words so if my mother ever got her hands on it she wouldn't have a clue what I was writing about. (Ha!) I even kept a series of rubber bands wrapped around it (it had no lock and key -- it was one of those freebies sent out by insurance companies at Christmas time -- but it did have a hard cover) so I would be able to tell if my mother read it. I'm sure she did though she never admitted it. If you've saved your diaries, poems, songs, stories -- you, too, have a chance to get mortified.

Here are some of the performers who shared their adolescent angst with us last night. Yes, there were also guys in the show but they didn't make it into this pix. Thanks everyone! Thanks, too, to David N. who started the whole thing and invited us to be his guests. Dave, we'll meet up one of these days!

XX Judy

PS Meg, you'd love it!"

Mortified LOVES YOU TOO, JUDY! (and George!) I'll post more when I come down off of this cloud.




Anonymous said...

Such a great night!!! And you did such a fantastic job hosting Miss Anne.

newbluebaby said...

It was hysterical and Anne was a fantastic M.C. Great job as I will now applaud in my office so people will think I'm strange... again.

Some Guy said...

Very cool, Anne!

Fargrave said...

I'm going to make it one of these days. I'm glad it went well.

Rock on Anne!

Chris Battle said...

Holy crap! Congrats!

Del-V said...

Nice work!

Rudy Rizcheck said...

No way! Sweeeet!


wow. i am impressed, and jealous. again!

if you ever get a chance to bend old judy's ear, ask her this:

"why did margret actually hope & pray to get her period? what girl in her right mind wants to deal with that mess???"

seriously, i've been wondering about that since 1980 when i read the damn book.

piglet said...

You're going to go places, young lady.

Just Dave said...

Warmest congrats. I hope that the phenomenon continues to grow.

It's Barbie, Bitch said...

ZOMG!!! You've been photographed by Judy Blume!!!


Carolyn said...

Yo - this was a total coup, by the way.