Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Anne's Question of the Day: Why is It Shiny?

Why is it shiny?

Take your time with this one, kids; it's long answer/essay. Do your best. Tommy, turn around, eyes to yourself and off of Ashley's paper. You're shooting for a D- this semester with good behavior. Seriously, why do you make me want to beat you in the dome piece? Turn around!


piglet said...

Um, I rubbed it too much?

Special K said...

Why is IT shiny?

The molecular arrangement of IT is very tight, but visually pleasing. As shown in this model *imagine Lincoln Log model*
This tightness, as it were, causes a smoother more uniform service to the whole of IT, which when hit with light, causes the light to bounce right the hell off... like two fat Germans in a beer belly contest.
This beer belly bouncing effect, known as refraction, makes it appear 'shiny'.

O.M.G...I need a vacation..