Saturday, October 27, 2007

Boiled Peanuts are What?

I didn't know such a thing as boiled peanuts existed until I was introduced to the concept from a friend who hails from Georgia. Peanuts? Boiled? Really? Truth is, yes, they exist, they're tasty (albeit strange) and you can get them either fresh (preferable) or in a can. In a can? What? It's so weird! And now science says they're good for you that way, as the boiling locks in all the nutrients and whatnot. Who'd a thunk it?

If you're from the South, this probably isn't news. Southerners can find fresh or canned boiled peanuts just about anywhere, but up North storekeepers will think you're nuts asking for them, so if you're really jonesing to give boiled peanuts a try, (which you should be, because to be curious is to be alive, go to or if you're fancy, Paula Dean endorses the Peanut Shop of Williamsburg, and they sell 'em online in a can.


Just Dave said...

Boiled peanuts are what is used to make most peanut brittle. Factoid #3897.

Anand Prahlad said...

I've had the freshly boiled, non-canned version. Reminded me of chewing on cartilage.

Abbi Crutchfield said...

My dad who was born in NC in the early 30s gave these to us as kids. Even though they were called peanuts and came in a soggy, peanut-looking shell, I thought they were beans.

In related news, Boston Baked Beans are actually peanuts.