Monday, March 24, 2008

4,000 U.S. Soldiers Fallen in Iraq and...Wait, Jericho's Been Cancelled?

Jericho!?!?!? Not Jericho!!! Oh, no! Jerichooooooooooooooooo!!!!!!!* I don't even understand this senseless loss. It's incomprehensible! Perhaps the White House can explain why it was a good idea, in a way that I can understand, you know, perhaps by yelling at me and reminding me what a successful endeavor cancelling Jericho will be and that the sacrifice was well worth the effort.

*What the fuck was Jericho?


Teri said...

I think it was a show on the Sci Fi channel. I believe they cancelled it once before but the fans had a shit fit and they brought it back.

Teri said...

okay, Jericho is on CBS not the Sci Fi Channel. Stupid me.