Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Cats Do What They Want and Stopping Them is Impossible

Doodle, NYC ~ Summer '07. 
Have you any idea how many times this fur bag has clogged up this sink? I can't talk about it. 

Doodle: An infamous female feline tabby who used the toilet but would not rest in the sink until both goldfish were dead. And the top of Anne's Deco bookcase was water damaged with goldfish-bowl sized rings. Who knew I needed a goldfish bowl coaster? Friggin' Doodle. Ridiculous! THIS IS WHY WE CAN'T HAVE NICE THINGS LIKE CLASSIC ANTIQUE FURNITURE OR LIVE THINGS LIKE FISH AND PLANTS, DOODLE. YOU KILL FISH AND YOU KILL PLANTS. Why do you have to kill stuff all the time? The whole of indoor Manhattan can't feed the 7 lb beast that is you. 


newbluebaby said...

Reminds me of that lovely bathroom scene in Gone Baby Gone.

anne altman said...

being a parent is hard. sometimes there is disgusting stuff.

Anonymous said...

water + plants = bad cats

I have two of them, I feel your pain.

anne altman said...

sUcK IT aND SeT Me fReE YOu cONtROlLinG CUnt.

Anonymous said...

I didn't realize Doodle was SO bitter?!

anne altman said...

she's actually a sweetheart. she's just...got her own mind.