Friday, November 21, 2008

Did I Mention That I Had the Flu This Week?

I did.

Did you know that you can die from the flu?

You did?

Ok, good, because you can.

And not just from the influenza virus itself (which you weren't vaccinated for) relentlessly, physically attacking you from the inside. Did you know that you can also die by tripping on the hem of your bathrobe and smashing your head on the bathroom sink, and you're there for 4.5 days before the super finds you in a pool of blood, Doodle cat having disemboweled you where you lay, and eaten all your internal organs save for your eyeballs which she whips about the tile floor like super balls?

Well, you can.

As you were.


Anonymous said...

well, thank God it didn't come to that last part.

who would save Doodle?

Sans Pantaloons said...

I always knew Doodle has good taste.

anne altman said...

save doodle? please. she's like a cockroach and will survive the apocalypse.

newbluebaby said...

I got flu shots.