Thursday, November 16, 2006

If You Can't Lose Weight, Get Taller, You Slob

How are you gonna make any money being a fat midget? You're not. So get your fat shit together, you fat shit*.


*I realize this applies to me.


newbluebaby said...

Stuff your sorries in a sock!

I'm going to smack you with my peg leg. Stop deprecating yourself as a fat shit, you skinny morsel! Seriously, if I wanted to read moronic statements I'd go over to Bill O'Reilly's site.

Oh yea, I went there.

anne altman said...

DON'T YOU KNOW WHO I AM????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

Teri said...

I say we put Anne on the rack and stretch her. maybe she'll make some millions from being taller.

newbluebaby said...

I agree. Let's touch Anne on the rack.

Wait... what?

Teri said...

the rack, New Blue, you know what they used to torture people with in England hundreds of years ago.

they stretch the body until it rips apart.

we won't have to go that far with Ms. Altman though, just make her an inch or two taller.

get taller said...

The first thing you should do is take care of your diet. Get higher and your diet are closely linked. Your diet should contain all the essential nutrients. Calcium should be an integral part of your diet because it helps build strong bones. Also you should take foods rich in amino acids, because they help strengthen the muscles. You should also drink plenty of water throughout the day as it is only when your body is well hydrated, it will grow.