Thursday, November 09, 2006

Easy-Bake Oven Inducted to Toy Hall of Fame

Now those childhood baking memories with the Easy Bake Oven are forever preserved in a museum! I had one of these cats. I got it the day my sister was born, to mollify me I suppose. It worked; I was obsessed with it. My Easy Bake looked something like this, but I don't remember the "counter top" and all that jazz. One day I brought (I'll never forget this) a Lemon flavored "cake" that I "baked" (with a lightbulb) to my 5th grade teacher, Ms. Palardy (one of my favorite teachers of all time). But I remember to my horror when I gave it to her, that it looked sort of crumbly, and not at all as nice as the ones I had been baking for three days straight. She put on a good face as she opened the tin foil, and it wasn't until I got home and made the same mistake again--I had forgotten the oil, or the egg? anyway, the binding agent--and that's why it was all falling apart. I remember this after-the-fact-humiliation perfectly. When I got older I was bored with the oven, and bored mixing the ingredients and waiting for the 5 or 10 minute baking time. I had completely lost interest when I was eating the dry mix directly from the packet. Who's got time to bake?


DirkStar said...

Sigh, thats the way the Crocker crumbles...

He-he, couldn't resist!

Teri said...

I always enjoyed just eating the batter.

anne altman said...

batter=too much work

Elizabeth said...

whipcreamy bought one of these in college. it rocked.

Berry said...

Ugh... it takes FOREVER to bake a chicken leg in one of those. Trust me.

Jen said...

I never got an
Easy-Bake oven

life is unfair..

Just Dave said...
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Just Dave said...

Best use of an Easy Bake Oven in college: drying marijuana leaves for easy storage.

whipcreamy said...

we made pot brownies with the easy bake oven.