Sunday, November 19, 2006

Thank You, Majestic Killer Elephant

Ancient animals like elephants are not coping well the rapid and rabid development of land and the razing of forests by a-hole human beings. They lose their homes as well as their food sources when this happens, and it's pissing them off. Being abused by humans is also pisses them off. At least this poor guy picked off twelve fuckers before he had to lose his tusks. Sad.


Youssef said...

Take heart. The elephants will think of something.

Just Dave said...

I read today that six elephants have been hit and killed by trains so far this year in India. How fucking blind do you have to be to not see an elephant on the tracks? Animal activists are trying to get a law passed that makes the trains slow down in the region where all of the elephants were hit. I hope they are successful.