Saturday, November 18, 2006

Um...Patio Umbrella? Um....Disturbing.

Ok, so you're white and you're a white supremacist. You're at a party. A Hispanic kid is also at the party. He is not a white supremacist. So, you decide to shout "WHITE POWER" and...

...Shove a patio umbrella up his ass.

A patio umbrella?

Not just once, or twice, but 50,000 times so that he needs to spend 3 months in the hospital, thirty operations and almost doesn't survive. Couldn't you have just called him a spic and punched him in the face like in the old days? What's with the ass fixation? For someone who hates gay people, that's a very very very gay way to assault someone, Mr. McWhitey. Gaaaaay. Have a delightful time in prison identifying the various things you'll soon find up your own ass. It ain't gonna be no patio umbrella.


Creepy said...

Yes, with any luck he will become quite familiar with the feeling of being sodomized, but it still won't be justice.

Just Dave said...

It won't be a patio umbrella and it won't be white, either. And he will enjoy it day after day, year after year until you can drive a Volkswagen up his butt. It may not be justice but it's the best we got.

newbluebaby said...

Once I got drunk at a party and made love to Patty O'Furniture.

I was never invited back.