Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Have Camera, Will Annoy Doodle

Got a new camera over the weekend. Discovered a little online photoshoppy thing called FotoFlexer.com which I learned about on my gurrl Carolyn Castiglia's blog Adriana's Mom. Carolyn just re-posted a review she wrote on Carlin's last special on her other blog, Undiscovered Superstar. Check it. Now, check what I did with FotoFlexer. Rather, what FotoFlexer did for me. You KNOW this is cute:

Here's the original image of Doodle, just as ridiculous without the manipulation.

Doodle, June 23, 2008


Carolyn said...

I love it! I hope you're getting a pattern printed so you can make a hook rug out of it.

anne altman said...

you know, i think i'll just wait and make a hook rug out of doodle.

Just Dave said...

Wow, you are channelling Andy Warhol. Ask him why he left me out of the will.

Micgar said...

Get a little closer, just little closer and I can just scratch the hell out of her eyes....