Thursday, June 26, 2008

Won't You Please Help Me Help the Piggies

Oh no! Here I'm hoping for more natural disasters to cull the stupid human population, and I forget what happens to the animals. Look at this little guy how worried he is, swimming his pigtail off trying to keep his head above water! Please click on the paragraph below from to make a donation today. I just sent them $20. Again, just a drop in the bucket, but that's just two less martinis (which are two more than I need, I assure you). Doodle thanks you in advance--she repects pigs for their advanced intelligence, being the animal snob that she is. Please help?

"Flood waters have ravaged the Midwest, and farm animals need immediate rescue! The recent flooding has hit largely agricultural areas, leaving pigs, cattle and other animals stranded.
Hundreds of factory farm pigs have been left trapped and drowning in crates, or freed only to be swept away by rapid currents … trying desperately to survive on area levees. Farm Sanctuary dispatched a rescue team with our large animal rescue trailer last week and we are currently on the ground in Iowa and Illinois to save drowning and stranded pigs."


anne altman said...



how about for each/every/any $10 donation, i'll write about a topic: readers' choice.

whipcreamy said...

that makes me cry!

anne altman said...

donate, whip. please?

newbluebaby said...

I don't know. This could mean more bacon for me, and I luvs me some bacon.

anne altman said...

spend $20 on the drowning pigs!

nobody's going to take your bacon if you donate some dough to save suffering animals!

newbluebaby said...

Nobody's gonna take my bacon.


Sans Pantaloons said...

Did & Done, although not designed for peeps from the UK. We will see if they manage to extract the donation.

anne altman said...


I --and the piggies you're helping to rescue--really do appreciate it.

anne altman said...

can anyone else spare a dime or two from their piggy banks for these piggies?



Jenni said...

Oh, the horror!! I have much love for the piggies, NO bacon for me! I donated 50 big ones, only wish I could adopt a piglet but I'm sure there are laws against that in Manhattan.

Thanks for the head up Anne, Oink Oink!

anne altman said...

thank you, jenni. i really sincerely do appreciate it. i know my blog is horseshitty drivel 99% of the time, but i do have a painfully aware conscious side to me. suffering is insufferable to me.

from the bottom of my heart, thank you. xoxo

newbluebaby said...

OK, you saved the piggies. Where do they go from there? Back to a farm. Where do they go from there? To the supermarket. You've just delayed the inevitable.

anne altman said...

They are rescued by farm sanctuary.

Farm sanctuary is just that, a sanctuary for rescued farm animals. they are not sold back to a factory.

check it, yo.

Sans Pantaloons said...

Yay! they managed it! I'm glad you care Anne!