Friday, June 27, 2008

One Man's Nightmare, Another Man's Dream

Gay Pride Weekend is afoot here in NYC, and to get in the spirit of things, I enjoyed an insightful discussion with Greenberg about homosexuality this morning over a nice hot cup of green tea. Antioxidants! What I learned is that it's quite clear that straight chicks are way less threatened by lesbianism than straight dudes are of homosexuality. (Insert idiot's voice here: YEAHHH BECAUSE LESBIAN SEX ISN'T GROSS IT'S HOT, DUH) They get all wonky and weird and terrified about the idea. Perhaps because there's that meat sword flying around jabbing things in its path, but I digress. So back to Greenberg. He said, "It's just amazing to me, because a straight man's biggest fear, like say when he goes to prison is, "Man, I so hope I don't get fucked in the ass," and yet there's a dude out there who's thinking, "Man, it's Friday night, I just got paid, and I hope I get fucked in the ass."



Sans Pantaloons said...

Everyone has a right to be loved.

anne altman said...

Tuna always says, "Every pot has a lid, Anne."

He doesn't have a lid yet either.

Micgar said...

I never was into that lesbian porn thing. It always seemed fake and I always thought in the back of my mind real lesbians probably wouldn't be so into the dudes. What your friend said is probably true!

Micgar said...
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