Thursday, December 14, 2006

Elevator Etiquette

This morning I got into the elevator with 5 people.
  1. One good looking attorney in his twenties
  2. One average looking attorney in her twenties
  3. A hideous set of male twins nerds in their twenties
  4. Someone I didnt get a good look at.

I was near the front of the elevator. On the way up, the male attorney was chatting up the female attorney about the big holiday party at their firm tonight. He has a buddy coming into town tonight, just so you guys know. He was wearing a red tie, so clearly he was more psyched about the soiree than he was letting on.

Anyway, the someone I didn't get a good look at got off first, making his way to the front of the elevator between the flirtation and the twin dorks. Then, it was the twin dorks' floor. I, being a lady and all for chrissakes, expected that if the twin dorks --who although hideous, were dressed in suits, so I assume they are professional--would be gentlemen about busting ever so rudely by me to get off the elevator.

Clearly they were not.

So, I stepped on the back of the one twin's shoe so that his foot slipped out of it, and he had to squeak out an "Excuse me."

You're excused, dork. Good luck on your Double Mint Gum interview. Fag.


newbluebaby said...

Sounds like you're in love.

Some Guy said...

This is vintage Two Can Anne. I was starting to think you'd lost your touch.

Elizabeth said...

double mint! i'd forgotten those commercials.

no worries, chris: the hate train doesn't stop for long.

matt said...

The weird thing is that when you stepped on Twin Dork #1's heel, Twin Dork #2 is the one that felt the pain. Creepy.

Just Dave said...

The really fun people are the ones who charge onto the elevator while you are attempting to get off. I used to feel guilty about stiff-arming them, especially the old ladies but that feeling has passed.

Chris Battle said...

Anne gets angry so we don't have to. :)

Nice move.