Sunday, December 10, 2006

Mortified's December 7th Show and Party

In order to properly celebrate Mortified's new book, "Mortfied" ---which dropped two weeks ago (what a great gift idea! Buy yours here today! Or stop into a regular old timey type bookstore and snap it up. Time's a 'wastin'.)---the December 7th show featured performers who are all contributors to the book. Sold out, baby. Sold out. And afterwards? An 80's dance party where the music and high school gym decorations so reminded most of us where we were when we wrote our mortifying masterpieces that the only thing different was the absence of creepy parents and teacher chaperones the dance. Oh, and the smell of wine cooler vomit. But the New York Daily News was there! (Today's Daily News, page 28. No offense, Daily News, but seriously lame coverage. My recap here is more comprehensive, trust me. Thanks to Bumpkyn for the photos.)

Mortified Music Stand, decked out in crepe paper prom decorations (note: crepe paper tastes terrible, don't lick it)

Hosts Giulia Rozzi and Brandy Barber. They did not get out unscathed; they took it for the team and shared their own embarrassing crap as well.

Anne Altman

Sara Barron

John Friedman

Ari Scott

Jake Goldman

Rylan Morrison

Brianna Jacobson

Photographic evidence of serious "Fame" moves at Mortified's After Party

Me doing the same while spectators look on, shocked and intrigued. Ok, fine, so they're not paying attention or my moves are so smooth they hypnotise. Whatevs.

1 comment:

Teri said...

are you having some sort of fit in this dance picture.

did you teach "Elaine" all she knows?