Tuesday, September 19, 2006

As Easy As Mr. Potato Head, Right?

Not so much.

I read The New York Post this morning and found an article on the World's First Successful Penis Transplant.

Sort of.

Liz read about it too, and supplied me with this good link on the same story. Reuters more informative than the Post? That's a first. Go figure.

Anyway, she said that the article left her with some questions. Me too. The upshot is, the dude got his dink whacked off in an accident somehow. Modern science was able to attach a brain dead fella's perfectly in tact penis to the other dude's stump, thanks to the family of the deceased who kindly donated his organs. The operation was successful, things were working properly, and his body wasn't rejecting the organ.

It was his wife who was rejecting it.

So, off came the new penis. She preferred the stump.

Questions indeed! I'd so much rather ponder this article than dwell on President Bush's bullshit remarks at the U.N. today. Wouldn't you? I'm already still steamed about all the traffic. Let's talk Off, On, Off Again Penis, shall we?


piglet said...

It had a "swollen shape."


Still - lop it back off after two weeks? Give the little guy some time. You might grow to love it. Kind of like an arranged marriage.

anne altman said...

word, piglet, word. the real deal isn't a pretty sight as it is. shit, i almost lost my baby toe in a freak accident at work and i can't say i'm ready for foot modeling for another 6 months.

Elizabeth said...

i think the "pyschological effects" stumped me. like what? the swollen shape? the fact that your husband managed to only lose his penis in this accident? and some others not fit for sharing on cyberspace...