Friday, September 22, 2006

An Example of "Why Didn't I Think Of This"

Here's a clever little idea called "Other Announcements" that some other broad thought of after she had sent out 300 engagement announcements and her wedding plans went sour.

See, I never would have thought of this idea, because when I was engaged, I didn't tell 300 people like this braggy ahead-of-herself blabber mouth, and I only had to tell like 6 people that it wasn't going to happen. Oh, and the dude to whom I was engaged. So, seven. Sigh. I guess necessity really is the mother of invention. That and an appearance on Oprah, and who needs a dude afterall?


Valerie said...

LOOOOOOOOL freakin awesome!

you were engaged???????? WTF

Teri said...

anne, you shouldn't get engaged while you're at the bar, doing karoake and DRUNK. I guess the six people were the one's at the bar with you?

and yea, you need to probably tell this story to your fans.