Monday, September 25, 2006

Shhhhh: Doodle's Christmas Present

Direct marketing is highly annoying and utterly effective! The company from which I purchased Doodle's Water Fountain has just spammed my inbox with a listing of their new products. I was about to hit delete when I saw this:

A little cat grass garden hanger thingie! So Doodle can get all of her green nutrients in between yearly visits to Vermont instead of biting the shit out of my Home Depot plants which I stopped buying regularly because she was biting the shit out of them?

Doodle's worth it.


Jen said...

I might have to buy this for Travis...

anne altman said...

travis reads this blog. now you have to buy it for travis.

right travis? accept no gift as a substitute!

Teri said...

I just brought this for my two.

Not sure if they were playing in the water or if it was too full but there was always puddles of water around the base.

Needless to say, I didn't like it.

anne altman said...

we've been without issue with the fountain; we'll see what happens when we get all hydroponic on it's ass

Just Dave said...

Fuckin' A Doodles is worth it. However, she will still chomp on your other plants to to remind you that she can. Such is cat logic.