Wednesday, December 27, 2006

Remembering Gerald Ford

The news is abuzz with up-to-the-minute updates about the late Gerald Ford. What could be new? The dude died! Unless of course, there is a big coming back to life ceremony or something. I just watched a news conference featuring George H. Bush and his wife Babs and their son Jeb which was supposedly set up to comment on the death of Gerald Ford and after Babs kept adjusting the microphone annoyingly (I see where GW gets his smarmy giggle) G.H. said a sentence about Ford and then spent the rest talking about golf and inviting Jeb to talk about himself. Nice tribute, George.

Gerald Ford Fun Fact: He was the longest living American president.


newbluebaby said...

Another Additional Fun Fact: He liked to call the press core "poopies".

Nina Paley said...

That's corps, newblue.

newbluebaby said...


Press Corps'


Just Dave said...

Gerald Ford was exactly what America needed after that Machievelli clone, Nixon. He was a fairly simple man, a bit of a bumbler sometimes but straightforward and honest. I'll miss the guy

anne altman said...

the one without integrity said it himself, gerald ford had integrity.

*that'd be our pal gw