In case you can't see it too well, click on the photo--the sign on that church says "CHRIST DIED FOR OUR SINS" and I don't think it's placement was accidental. Right smack in your grill so you don't screw your tits off and gamble your life away in Atlantic City? Buzz kill. Thanks a lot, Christ.
Yeah. Stupid Jesus ruins everything.
They always want to make their presence known in supposedly sinful places. I remember a whole bunch of evangelizers being at Mardi Gras. I propose a deal: They stay away from our meccas of sin and debauchery and I won't go Sunday morning and throw beads at their preachers.
It wasn't for our sins, it was because he blew it all on slots. I hear Mary Magdalene was quite a slot in her day.
is it actually physcially possible to screw one's tits off? cuz that'd be pretty weird.
God bless you.
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