Hosted by producer and la lovely Giulia Rozzi who began the show with a piece from her diary, the rest of the cast included (in order of appearance) QraigDeGroot, Colleen Kane, Kendra Levin, Leslie Robarge, Adam Wade, Brandy Crawford, and lastly but not leastly, moi!
Doodle Cat did not make the show. She was my +1 but the bitch took a taxi instead of the subway and arrived too late. Snooze: Lose.
Here are a few snaps from the show (thanks, Bumpkyn!) It appears that Qraig, Kendra, and Adam had too much onstage energy for a clear photo, however--Ahh, the hazards of showbiz.

Thanks to all who made it out and were lucky enough to score a ticket--they were harder to come by than Barbra Streisand's Farewell Tour. Or was it her Comeback Tour? Who the hell knows. For more information on Mortified and how totally awesome it is, be a BFF and please visit!
Would have loved to see it but had a date in Chinatown which turned into a date in Little Italy for the San Genoa feast then I turned into a pumpkin. Maybe next time.
hey anne-
ms. rozzi sent me are beyond awesome for saying that. wish i had been in nyc for the fun. soon, i promise.
ps: cool pics too. any chance i can post those on mortified's flickr page?
So you're opening for Barbra now on her Why The Long Nose tour?
The show was hysterical. Everybody should go.
actually, i'm opening for Celine Dion and her "Why the Long Face" tour who is opening up for Babs and her "Why the Long Nose" tour. Good enough, as technically I'm opening up for both of them.
I think you should post what you read for us non goers of the show.
the suspence is killing me.
it's all in the book! can't spoil the book!
can I actually say I'm a geek and put in my order on Amazon. it better be worth the $10, Anne, or I'm shippin it to Doodle's house for her use in the litter box...or to naw on it, whichever comes first : )
that makes two of us! they'll be flyin off the shelves
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