One night I went out with a couple of gals from the office. One of the gals is friends with this super hot super human super model. Ok, maybe she's not techinally a super model--does the term 'super' prior to model indicate bitch who maims? I don't know. Not important. What is: She's hot. Men want to bang her. Famous actor style men want to bang her.
The story: She may or may not have banged a famous actor-style man on the side of this bus. The show is called "CSI Miami" starring none other than that gross redhead formerly of NYPD Blue who left for greener pastures and then realized that the pastures aren't that green for a gross redhead. He's not pictured on the bus. Duh.
Anyway, she and this famous actor-style man on the side of this bus (pictured here) was totally into her. What was he totally also into? Her panties. Eeew. As in, her underpants. In the middle of makin' out with her, or ravishing her or whatever, he picked up her panties from the floor or the side of the bed or wherever they were, looked her right in the eyes, brought them up to his nose, and inhaled deeply and creepily, whilst still maintaining eye contact.
It's his thing.
Wow, the people I bang are never on the side of a bus. Sometimes they are inside the bus or driving the bus, but never are they on the side of the bus. You ARE clearly well-connected.
That's a great story!
he's got issues.
I think that all CSI's do that. It's like dusting for prints.
I banged Rosa Parks. Does that count?
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