Friday, September 01, 2006

What'd You Watch On TV Last Night?

I had the intention of watching my Scarface, but something is fucked up with my DVD player. As I fiddled with the thing, Indecent Proposal with Robert Redford, Demi Moore, and Woody Harrelson was had just started on HBO. Just one of those movies that Anne Altman had never seen before and I must say, the first 15 minutes to half hour are excellent. When Woody goes nuts and chases after the helicopter after they make that deal with the devil is a seriously intense scene. I felt for him. But cut to an hour later where Demi gets with Robert and now she's all society, sitting pretty at an auction by his side with a parasol?

A friggin' parasol?

And it's huge, and she's in the front row, and it's so lame and hilarious. But now I'm too far into the thing to cut it off, so I stay tuned, and Woody shows up at the animal auction and buys the hippo for a million dollars. Demi: "I thought you needed the money." And he goes, "I thought you needed the hippopotamus."


Then I watched the last hour of the MTV Video Music Awards. I took all kinds of notes for a revew today but left that shit at home, so let me just give you the best part of the night:

When Panic! At the Disco went on stage (I think that's who the hell that band is, am I right?) to receive the MTV Video of the Year Award and some huge black dudes gets muscles past J. Lo who presented the Award and the band themselves to get on the mic and shout, "So and so never gave me a music deal so you need to call up so and so and make it so" and I'm all confused like is that this band's manager?

And then I realized along with everyone else that he was just a freak stage stormer plugging his own crap during Panic! At the Disco's thunder. Ha! Ah, well. I think it's hilarious. He looked just like the guy who stole my wallet at MTV from right out of my cubicle. He was dressed wearing a hard hat and carrying a tape measure around. I saw him go in there and come out and I thought, "Wow, someone's finally fixing the broken shelf in my office." Yet I never told anyone it was broken. Then he went around "fixing everyone else's shelves" on the floor. MTV did always have shitty security.

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