Thursday, June 29, 2006

Air Quality in Midtown Today: Rock Bottom

It's hot. It's humid. It blows. The only thing that could make the air quality worse might be actual visible poo bits flying through the air. And rats. Ok, so maybe flying rats and bits of poo would make it a little worse. But I can't think of much else.


newbluebaby said...

How about flying rats and bits of poo while standing in the exhaust wake of a city bus.

anne altman said...

yes. that's terrible.

but perhaps at that point exhaust is negligible and seems like a cool breeze?

where are the locusts?

Berry said...

Beware the locusts. They'll be smoking cigarettes.

Peter said...

I'm working on a phony movie reveiw of a disaster movie about humidity. It takes place in NYV--obviously. Should be done this afternoon.

Valerie said...

I'd take more poo and less meeces.

Speaking of which, did you catch the mouse that Doodle brought in?

anne altman said...


i think he escaped.

Bumpkyn said...

I've said it before and I will say it again...nothing beats summer in the city like cooking garbage on the sidewalks waiting painfully to be picked up in about 10 that smell...a combo between wanting to puke and actually puking!!

Chris Battle said...

It's all true! Photographic proof is here.