Tuesday, June 20, 2006

The Life Of a Model: Tired

Ten years ago when my friend Sharon still lived in Manhattan, we were watching t.v. and caught this show on modeling and it's unglamourous reality backstage. A memorable line that we still quote to this day happened when the camera panned over to this one particularly fair, frail, foreign one getting her makeup and hair done at the same time. She looked into the lens and said with the weak smile and enthusiasm of someone coming down off a 3 day coke binge:

"Zee llllife uff a mawdelll. Tahhhhhhhd [tired]."

To this day, it's not unusual for me or Sharon to suddenly break out with "Life of a model. Tired." in our best "can't pin it down" foreign accent, in the middle of conversation, conversation totally unrelated to modeling and how tiring it is, over and over and over again to the point of like a Tourette's type Rain Man kind of situation that is best not viewed by strangers.

But for as much we wanted to hate her because she's a gorgeous 18 year old who gets to sit around looking gorgeous all day making gorgeous cash instead of having to like, do stuff, we couldn't really. In her defense, she did look really tired.

Now I share her gorgeous pain, thanks to two of the most talented people I know. They are the coolest! I'm not going to drop their names just yet, but soon enough, i'll be dropping 'em like they're hot. Which they are. So it all makes sense. It's like the McDLT, y'see. Cool side cool, hot side hot.



newbluebaby said...

Dahhhling.... zow me ze piktaures!

anne altman said...

no. jew must vait ooontil ze time eez vite.


newbluebaby said...

I zub me noze sat jew!

Bumpkyn said...

i vant to suzk your blooad.

Sorry, just wanted to play too!

anne altman said...

i peeeeek mye noze wit jew.

Sharon Shiner said...

dink, I was just thinking about this the other day, and no lie, I said it out loud:
Life of zeee suupa mahdal, TIYAAD....and then I laughed out loud........