Wednesday, July 26, 2006


And I thought my date was cheap. I am beside myself.

Literally beside myself. Hi, Anne, what are you doing on that side of me? Oh, nothing, just hanging out beside you. Oh, ok.

It's yuah cawl. Do the right thing. It's yuah cawl. Mail me the fifty dowlahs you owe me.

Holy shit!!!


anne altman said...

don't be cheap, joanne. you ate the food. you drank the woine. it's your cawl. do the right thing. be a mensch.


Del-V said...

How odd... Do you think this guy will be single for much longer?

Berry said...

She should bill him for all the time she's wasted on this clown.

That would be the right thing to do.

newbluebaby said...

I think what he really meant was:

You ate the food.
You drank the wine.
You didn't touch my dink.
Pay up bitch.

anne altman said...

anyone else find his voice sexy and compelling or is it just me?

talk dirty to me...

tawllk dirty.

Bello (Buddy) Manjaro said...

thought 1)i believe this goes beyond a "cheap" issue and into the realm of mentally ill.

thought 2) ya think?

anne altman said...

yes, he's mentally ill for a few reasons that all beget each other. he's terrible, and that makes him unappealing, and he's cheap, which makes him more unappealing, and then rejection makes him more terrible and more cheap and even less appealing, and then ... then...
yeah, he's just fuckin' crazy. as if her mailing him the $50 would make all his problems go away and he'd confidently be back on the market, marketing himself only to broads who don't 'mislead' him, 'take advantage' of him, and cawl within 2.5 weeks.

i'm going to be sick. excuse me.

Bello (Buddy) Manjaro said...

Yep. Too bad people like that aren't forced to register like sex offenders. We could check em against a website.

Elizabeth said...

but the total was $127. why didn't he ask for $63.xx? he was trying to be nice. or maybe he had the steak and she had the cobb salad, and he is acknowledging that. must be accurate if you are going to issue a summons.

anne altman said...

LIZ, to ask for more than $50 would just be out of line. he wanted to do the right thing.

Creepy said...

LOL I can't for the life of my understand why that guy is still single.

anne altman said...
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