Thursday, July 20, 2006

Owner of a Lonely Heart

One of my friends went to see YES at Madison Square Garden a few years ago. Like I am, he's kind of weird. I asked him, "How was the YES show?" And he said, "It was weird." So, that's pretty fuckin' weird. YES is weird, YES fans are weird. I happen to think YES is awesome. Anyone else love YES? No?


Bumpkyn said...

ummm, no, but I do like that song.

anne altman said...

oooh, that's too bad. for you.

wait, and me. my closet-mate comes back from vacation next week.

then it's back to classical.

Valerie said...

ditto what bumpkyn said.


Bello (Buddy) Manjaro said...

OOH i love Yes. esp early YES. Roundabout. tormado. Going for the One is a spiritual orgasm. Yessongs. have you heard john anderson sing "State of Independence" (donna summers did a nice version) Ach, Yes rocks.