Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Something to Celebrate

The heatwave has broken!
Something not so cool: I shouldn't have had the vegetable soup. Now I feel like I'm going to barf. Vegetable soup. How's that for a visual? Hope you've eaten already, kids!


Valerie said...

No, I haven't yet actually, but thanks to you, I won't need to. Thanks a heap, kitten! :P

Dale said...

I like your new hair.

Brandy For Sale. said...

Anne, I feel like vegatable soup IS barf. Kinda.

anne altman said...

thanks, dale. wanna borrow it?

brandy you're dead on. i got all confused at lunch there were so many people, milling around like flies, milling around, i got confused.

i hate people.

sorry, people, but it's true. low tolerance.